One of the impressive counsels left for Timothy from the hand of the Apostle Paul, and of course for us as well, is found at 1 Timothy 6:20: “O Timothy, guard that which is committed to you…” It is as if something had been left for his safe keeping and without careful discipline and attention to it, that treasure might be lost to him and others.
Truly this is the case. Without diligence in watching our children they may fall into evil hands. Without diligence and care in watching over our finances we may be taken in by shady dealers and lose what little we may have. Without care for the flowers and vegetables in our gardens, the rabbits and other animals may eat what we had hoped would garnish our own tables. So it is in life.
God has put many good things into our hands for our safe keeping. The spiritual truths of Holy Scripture are there for our study, edification, and spiritual growth. They are there for us to share with others who may potentially learn and be saved as well. But if we do not guard them carefully they will be stolen away from out of our hearts and lives. Satan greets each new day with a fresh plan to destroy us. God’s truth provides many advisory solicitations intended to strengthen us and help us face the threats of the Wicked One.
“Guard what is committed to you.” Do not let it slip away or be stolen away by any person or circumstance that may leave you unprepared for what comes next. God loves us and cares for us continually. But we must do our part to assure our own faithfulness to the very end (Rev. 2:10). Do not fall asleep on guard duty!!!