Posts from December 2014

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“He Thanked God And Took Courage”

by Dan King

As the Apostle Paul made his way to the city of Rome as a prisoner of the Roman government, the Bible tells us that in the distance he could see a small group of his Christian brethren approaching him and the contingent of soldiers and prisoners. It was a refreshing sight to his eyes. The […]

What Have I Done Wrong?

by Dan King

Young David, in his frustration at the unjustified hatred of Saul toward him, asked Saul’s son Jonathan: “What have I done? What is my iniquity? And what is my sin before your father, that he seeks my life?” All of us are going to experience similar situations in our own lives. Some people are never […]

“Guard What Was Committed To You”

by Dan King

One of the impressive counsels left for Timothy from the hand of the Apostle Paul, and of course for us as well, is found at 1 Timothy 6:20: “O Timothy, guard that which is committed to you…” It is as if something had been left for his safe keeping and without careful discipline and attention […]